We're Nigeria's most trusted digital credentials network and we are in the business of converting verified academic credentials into real opportunities for credential holders, issuers and receivers.

Fully Secure and Privacy is Guaranteed

We provide electronic storage boxes - a secure compartmentalized electronic vault where students, schools and companies can upload, verify and store electronic copies of all of their academic credentials such as degree certificates, training, and professional certificates all in one single place.

Over 50 Different Credentials Types Covered

Once in storage, activated credentials then use our artificial intelligence engine to automatically match stored credentials to requirements defined in the credentials based opportunities we’ve published - such as Jobs, Scholarships, Admissions, Grants, Competitions, and Immigration Opportunities

Automatically Match Stored Credentials to Opportunities

Companies and institutions that provide opportunities can have access to verified credentials by asking the credential holders to share their linked profile in such a way that only credentials that meet defined requirements can be submitted.

Verify and Store Once, Use and reuse many times